New version CBS open data API (CCB)

Statistics Netherlands develops a new version of the CBS open data API (CCB). It is based on oData 4.0.

The development of this new version will be incremental. We invite users to send feedback.

The data approach has changed from record sets to data cells. Empty cells will no longer be returned, unless they have a special value (in a separate property) like ‘impossible’.

Release date Version Features
12. April 2023 1.14.1


  • The observations of the numeric datasets now contains the StringValue property. All dataset types (numeric, text and mixed) contain a Value and StringValue property.
5. April 2023 1.14.0
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!


  • DatasetType in odata/v1/[Catalog]/[StatlineNumber]/Properties and odata/v1/Datasets can take the following values:
  • "Numeric"
    when all Observations are numeric (stored in Observations.Value)
    when all Observations are text (stored in Observations.StringValue)
    "Text" replaces "String" which only affects 900003NED
    when some Observations are numeric (stored in Observations.Value) and some Observations are text (stored in Observations.StringValue).
    "Mixed" replaces "Hybrid" which only affects 83115NED
15. March 2023 1.13.0


  • Performance improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
31. January 2023 1.12.0
In this release there is a version number added to the api path. This is possible breaking change!

Implemented OpenApi standards

  • Implemented OpenApi standards compliant Additional information on Developer Overheid.
  • Swagger page is now available for developers. (Swagger page)
20. December 2022 1.11.0
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!

Data access improvement:

  • CBS aanvullend datasets moved to CBS catalog.
18. October 2022 1.10.1
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!

Improvements for Datasets endpoint:

  • Replace "DisseminationFormats" by "Distributions" to be DCAT compliant.
  • Added support for datasets without odata distribution (no odata observations endpoint).
27. September 2022 1.9.4

Improvements for Datasets endpoint:

  • Added property "DisseminationFormats" to the model. This shows the type of dissemination we have for the dataset. Currently we only support CSV and OData.
  • Added properties CodesUrl and GroupsUrl to Dimension as links to the Codes resp. Groups of the dimension.


  • Bug fixes.
11. July 2022 1.9.0


  • Performance improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
9. March 2022 1.8.0
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!

Improvements for Metadata:

  • Removed property "SearchPriority" from model.
  • New endpoint /releasecalendar: Read two days ahead when a dataset is updated.
  • Add index property to Catalog


  • Performance improvements for big datasets.
  • Concurrency performance improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
7. April 2021 1.7.0
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!

Improvements for Metadata:

  • Added property ReleaseDate to the Dataset to indicate when it was accessible.
  • Added property ModificationDate to the Dataset to indicate when the dataset is last modified.
26. March 2021 1.6.0
In this release there are a few possible breaking changes!

Improvements for Dimensions:

  • In the OData metadata type Dimension is now split by inheritance into GeoDimension, TimeDimension and GeoDetailDimension
  • Property type of ReleasePolicy is changed from string to nullable bool
  • Added property ContainsCodes to Dimensions to indicate if there are DimensionCodes for the current Dimension
  • Added property ContainsGroups to Dimensions to indicate if there are DimensionGroups for the current Dimension
  • The value "GeoDetail" is changed to "GeoDetailDimension" for the property Kind in Dimension

Improvements for DimensionCodes:

  • In the odata metadata types GeoDetailDimensionCodes, GeoDimensionCodes and TimeDimensionCodes are no longer inheriting from DimensionCodes but are implementing DimensionCodeBase (abstract class)

Improvements for Observations:

  • Added NOT NULL constraints to the property Measure and the Dimensions properties
19. Januari 2021 1.5.0


  • Removed property DefaultPresentation from Dataset
  • Removed property Format from MeasureCode
30. July 2020 1.4.2


  • Logging
29. June 2020 1.4.0


  • Small bug fixes
18. June 2020 1.3.0-beta


  • Small bug fixes
  • Increased stability
29. May 2020 1.2.0-beta


  • Endpoints lifecycle
  • Small bug fixes
7. May 2020 1.1.0-beta


  • Resolved OData SingleResult for Datasets
  • Resolved OData SingleResult for Catalogs
  • Resolved OData SingleResult for Dimensions
  • The Relatedsources and Provenance are now correctly filled with data for CBS-asd datasets
14. April 2020 1.0.1-beta


  • Framework migrated and libraries updated
25. March 2020 1.0.0-beta

Breaking changes:

  • Removed the spaces in the Dimension Identifiers
  • The 'Id' was written in different ways. We had 'Id' and 'ID'. We changed that to 'Id' to be consistent
  • 'CBS-Maatwerk' catalog changed to 'CBS-asd'


  • Small bug fixes
  • OData4 was not working properly with Excel because there was a bug in our GeoDetails metadata. We fixed it
  • The correct host is now shown in the metadata and EndPoints
  • The 'Publisher' and 'Author' fields are containing https urls instead of http
  • Version number is changed. We are now on version 1.0.0-beta. We are using the following format: Major, Minor, Buildnumber
20. November 2019 0.1.5-beta

Breaking changes:

  • Removed the OData4 path from the url. Now you can access OData4 directly


  • Small bug fixes
  • Huge performance improvements
  • Most of the OData features are now working. See Jasmine tests for the working features
18. April 2019 0.1.4-beta


  • Bug fixes
  • Performance improvements
9. January 2019 0.1.3-beta


  • OData4/Datasets (contains the datasets of all the catalogs for now there are 14 datasets for CBS and 2 for CBS-Maatwerk)
  • OData4/CBS-Maatwerk/900002NED (contains the conversion of old subject-key with the new subject-key


  • There are now 2 additional datasets available: 83749NED and 81575NED
  • Dataset 82569NED is replaced by 84120NED
  • Dataset 900002NED is added for conversion of identifiers
  • Dataset 900003NED is added for an overview of the type of regions, CBS uses


  • The identifiers of measurecodes are replaced by new identifiers. The new indentifiers don't change by new releases of a dataset
  • The identifiers of measuregroups codes are replaced by new identifiers. The new indentifiers don't change by new releases of a dataset
  • Bug fixes
7. December 2018 0.1.1beta


  • OData4/Catalogs (contains all catalogs for now there are 2 CBS and CBS-Maatwerk)
  • OData4/Datasets (contains the datasets of all the catalogs for now there are 12 datasets for CBS and 1 for CBS-Maatwerk)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/Datasets (contains the datasets for the specific catalog)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/Catalogs (contains the catalog)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/Properties (contains meta information on the dataset)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/Observations (contains all the data)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/MeasureGroups (contains the hierarchy for the measures)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/MeasuresCodes (contains information on the measures)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/Dimensions (contains information on the dimensions)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/[Dimension]Groups (contains the hierarchy for a specific dimension)
  • OData4/[Catalog]/[StatLineNumber]/[Dimension]Codes (contains information for a specific dimension)

HTML Pages:

  • The location of index.html changed to OData4/index.html
  • There is a new dataset information screen for displaying datasets(see info.html links to dataset)
  • Release notes are available on a different page now OData4/releasenotes.html
  • The page Excel.html is changed


  • There are now 12 additional Datasets available


  • Routing has changed to OData4/[Catalog]/[StatlineNumber]/**
  • Observation Values are of type Double or String
  • Model changed. The model is now according to the DCAT-AP-NL 1.1 standard
  • Rename Cbs.Ccb.Models.Measure to Cbs.Ccb.Models.MeasureCode
  • Rename Cbs.Ccb.Models.Code to Cbs.Ccb.Models.[Dimension]Code
  • Type change in MeasureGroups and [Dimension]Groups for the field ParentId from Int to String
  • Type change in MeasureGroups and [Dimension]Groups for the field Id from Int to String
  • Type change in MeasureCodes for the field MeasureGroupID from Int to String
  • Type change in [Dimension]Codes for the field DimensionGroupID from Int to String
  • For Dimension kind GeoDetail we added the field RegioDetailCode to the [Dimension]Codes
  • There is a field Status in [TimeDimension]Codes if there is a ReleasePolicy
  • If there are no items in MeasureGroups or [Dimension]Groups the group won't be displayed
  • If there are no items in [Dimension]Codes the codes won't be displayed
  • Query on value is no longer possible
  • The fields MapYear and ReleasePolicy are added to Dimension and we changed the field Type to Kind (There are 4 different kinds "GeoDimension", "GeoDetail", "TimeDimension" and "Dimension" )
  • Added the field DatasetType to OData4/[Catalog]/[StatlineNumber]/Properties and OData4/Datasets this value is "Numeric" or "Hybrid"
  • In OData4/[Catalog]/[StatlineNumber]/Properties and OData4/Datasets the field ReleaseDate is changed to Modified
  • In OData4/[Catalog]/[StatlineNumber]/Properties and OData4/Datasets the field Modified is changed to ObservationsModified (Not a DCAT field)
  • Data is 24/7 available. The old data is available till a newer version of the data is available
  • Upgrade .NET CORE to version 2.1
  • Bug fixes
18. May 2018 0.0.5beta


  • Catalogs (contains information aboud the different catalogs)
  • Datasets (contains meta information on the 10 datasets)
  • StatLineNumber/Properties (contains meta information on the dataset)
  • StatLineNumber/Observations (contains all the data)
  • StatLineNumber/MeasureGroups (contains the hierarchy for the measures)
  • StatLineNumber/MeasureCodes (contains information on the measures)
  • StatLineNumber/Dimensions (contains information on the dimensions)
  • StatLineNumber/Groups (contains the hierarchy for a specific dimension)
  • StatLineNumber/Codes (contains information for a specific dimension)


  • Implemented versions for Datasets
  • Added Dimension hierarchy
  • Added Geo Dimension hierarchy
  • Added Time Dimension hierarchy
  • Measures renamed to MeasurCodes
  • Index page with information about the service
  • Jasmine UnitTests for testing the OData functions
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
13. March 2018 0.0.3alpha


  • Datasets (contains meta information on the 10 datasets)
  • StatLineNumber/Properties (contains meta information on the dataset)
  • StatLineNumber/Observations (contains all the data)
  • StatLineNumber/Measures (contains information on the measures)


  • Added a field with the amount of observations a dataset contains to the datasets
  • Correction to the field "Modified"
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
22. February 2018 0.0.2alpha


  • Datasets (contains meta information on the 10 datasets)
  • StatLineNumber/Properties (contains meta information on the dataset)
  • StatLineNumber/Observations (contains all the data)
  • StatLineNumber/Measures (contains information on the measures)
1. February 2018 0.0.1alpha


  • Datasets (contains meta information on the 10 datasets)
  • StatLineNumber/Properties (contains meta information on the dataset)
  • StatLineNumber/Observations (contains all the data)

For the (near) future we have the following plans:
